Rui Barros
Rui Barros
CEO and IT evangelist
+351 935 500 220
Porto, Portugal
Logistics and Transports
Digital documents
Software engineering
Project management
Risk management
Research and innovation processes
IT evangelist
Digital Local Agenda
Regional development for the Information Society

Rui Barros is an informatics engineer with specific knowledge in software engineering. Over the last 20 years at INESC TEC, he did research and innovation with private companies and public administration and worked in more than 40 projects. Nowadays he is an entrepreneur and co-founder of MITMYNID, a private company to develop sophisticated and innovative software-based solutions.

Master of Informatics Engineering
Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Engenharia2009

Co-Founder and CEO of MITMYNID. A passionate entrepreneur who wants to change the way people see technologies.

Researcher and area manager at INESC
INESC TEC1995-2015

Researcher and manager of the e-Gov Area and digital inclusion at INESC TEC. Since 1995 worked in dozens of projects and developed particular competences identifying requisites, doing analysis, specifications and development of complex information systems and ubiquitous and digital services.

Professional Appointments
IPP – Invited Professor
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – Instituto Politécnico do Porto

Invited Professor in the Informatics department.

Invited Professor

Invited Professor at UNICESUMAR, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Promoção da Saúde, Maringá, Brasil, June, 2014

Coordinator of ELANET
ELANET – European Local Authorities Telematic’ Network2007-2014

Member since 2007 and Coordinator of ELANET – European Local Authorities Telematic’Network and chairman of EISCO – European Information Society Conference, since 2010.

OECD Expert
OECD Steering Meeting of Experts

Member of “OECD Steering Meeting of Experts: Anticipating the Special Needs of the 21st Century Silver/Ageing Economy. From Smart Technology to Services Innovation”.

Invited specialist
ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency

Invited specialist for “Security and Resilience in Governmental Clouds” an ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency publication.

International School on Digital Transformation
University of Texas at Austin and University of Porto2009

Faculty at the International School on Digital Transformation, University of Texas at Austin and University of Porto, July, 2009

The IRES International Conference

Adoption of e-Freight in Collaborative e-Cargo Ecosystem in Portugal, Alexandre Carvalho, Marco Oliveira, Rui Barros, Marinho Dias, Gianluca Fabri, Carlo Maria Medaglia, The IRES International Conference, Barcelona, July 2018


Single Window for Collaborative Multimodal Logistics Services – An optimized and integrated door-to-door services offer –  Jun 2017 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC


Gestor de uma Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais (IDE) Regional e Aplicações Setoriais, Lino Oliveiraa, Leonel Dias, André Rodrigues, Rui Barros, CISTI 2013, June, 2013

ONE Conference: Digital Governance

The DLA in a regional context: providing added value services to citizens, ONE Conference – ONE Conference: Digital Governance: From Local Data to European Policies, Rui Barros, Alexandre Carvalho, Marta Sousa Pinto, Praga, Republica Checa, 2013

Barcelona Smart City

Leveraging Satellite Technology for Urban Transportation, Environment and Leisure, F. Tappero, D. Serrano, L. Cases, L. Oliveira, R. Barros, Barcelona Smart City, Spain, 2013

ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency

Security and Resilience in Governmental Clouds – Making an informed decision, ENISA – European Network and Information Security Agency

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Ageing and Social Innovation

European Commission

Green eGovernment: Making public administration greener with eGovernment, European Commission, June, 2013


Diáspora e Responsabilidade Social das Empresas – Novas funcionalidades da plataforma Bizfeira”

European conference on ICT for Transport Logistics

Logistics Single Windows, European conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL)

I Congresso Brasileiro Interdisciplinar de promoção da Saúde

Invited speaker, I Congresso Brasileiro Interdisciplinar de promoção da Saúde, Maringá, Brasil, November, 2014

Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Innovation on integration processes in harbours, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

One Conference

Regional DLA: innovative and value-added services to citizens, One Conference – Digital Governance: From local data to European Conference, Prague, 2013


EISCO’12 – Opening data to improve knowledge, Guimaraes, 2012

Innovation for digital Inclusion

CEMSDI – Empower Local Authorities towards an inclusive Digital Local Agenda, Innovation for digital Inclusion, Gdansk, 2011


EISCO’07 – eGovernment interoperability and support of the networked enterprise, Finland, 2007


O Design e as Autarquias, I Encontro de Comunicação Autárquica, ATAM, Covilhã, Maio, 2002